• Corporate Info
  • Operating Principles


Operating Principles

TTW's guidelines for management
No. 1 Enterprise
Become the corporate group to meet the customer requirements
Construct the sound business foundation
Promote "Share Value (Enterprise Value = Social Value)"
Create the management of whole value chain via the entire enterprise activity


Speech from Chairman

Chairman's Messages
Tok Taiwan (TTW) has been supplying clients photoresists and high-purity chemicals for semiconductor manufacturing ever since establishment in 1998. As the 2nd factory at Tongluo was built and started operating in 2016, TTW started the development and production of clean solution locally in Taiwan. We are constantly pushing ourselves in steady supply of products featuring high purity and outstanding quality. At the same time, TTW is working hard to realize the established goal of sustainable development, and do our parts in corporator social responsibilities as a responsible world citizen. Thanks to the technology and trust developed over the years, TTW has established a corporate culture that emphasizes customer satisfaction, in order to strengthen the ability to respond to more diverse and more advanced market demands, and provide products high in added value and excellent customer service that meet customer needs. TTW will further enhance and consolidate the "TOK brand capability", while all employees will, as always, work together to contribute to the sustainable development of society with the strength of the chemical industry.
Thank you very much for the supports that you have provided and will provide for TTW.

Chairman Sawano Atsushi